E-Rate Services
OneNet Eligible Services
OneNet’s network is the most advanced in the state, with bandwidths ranging from 5Mbps to 100Gbps.
Managed Firewall
OneNet’s managed firewall services are an efficient first line of defense against malicious internet traffic.

What is E-Rate?
Education Rate (E-Rate) is a USAC program that provides discounts to assist schools and libraries in obtaining affordable internet access and technical services.
Who Can Apply?
Schools and school districts
Libraries and library systems
Consortia-groups of eligible entities that band together to aggregate demand and negotiate lower prices
What Qualifies for E-Rate Funding?
Category One
- Internet Access
- Data Transmission Services
Category Two
- Internal Connections, such as firewalls, routers, switches, Wi-FI access points, internal cabling, UPS backup power, wireless controller systems
- Managed Internal Broadband Services, such as contracting with a provider for management of the broadband network or Wi-Fi
- Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections, such as cable and fiber maintenance, repair and upkeep, technical support and software upgrades

How do Discounts Work?
Discounts range from 20% to 90% of eligible costs. The discount for a school or library depends on:
- Percentage of eligibility of students for National School Lunch Program
- Urban or rural location of school or library
E-Rate Filing Process

Program Forms
Opens a competitive bid process for services
Requests funds for chosen service provider
Notifies USAC that services have started and must be submitted within 120 days from when service begins or a funding commitment is issued
Submits changes to funding requests after USAC has already issued commitments
Certifies CIPA compliance for consortiums and must be submitted in time for the consortium to file Form 486

CIPA Requirements
Schools and libraries must certify compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) to be eligible for discounts on Category One internet access and all Category Two services. OneNet can help!
OneNet’s Content Filtering Solution
OneNet offers a CIPA-compliant content filtering solution for K-12 schools and libraries.
Who Do I Contact for E-Rate Questions?
Shelley Sanderson
Accounts Receivable Supervisor
Toll-free: 888.5.OneNet
In Oklahoma City: 405.225.9470
OneNet’s SPIN Number: 143015254
Read our E-Rate FAQ page for more info on how service providers like OneNet work with schools and libraries.