NSF OFFN Science and Education Report Name(Required) First Last Institution(Required)Title(Required)Phone(Required)Email(Required) Title of Project(Required)Faculty/Staff Participating in Project(Required)Demographics & Number of Students Participating in Project (if applicable)How does this project utilize the OFFN network?(Required) Data Transfer Access to Supercomputer Access to Cloud Resources Other If you utilized a supercomputer, which institution's supercomputer did you use?If you accessed cloud resources, provide a short description of the resources.If you transferred data, provide how much data you transfered and where you transferred it.Describe your project.(Required)Describe any collaborations with other institutions or organizations.Describe how access to the OFFN network altered the way you are able to teach or conduct research.If you have presented your project at a conference or other meeting, provide the conference name and date.If you have published the results of your project, provide the name and date of the publication.By selecting this box, I agree to allow OneNet/State Regents to include this project information in the NSF final and outcomes project reports and any program materials.(Required) I agree CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.